June 1, 2009 the first day of school accidentally I was absent because I entered in the school in afternoon session,I did not know that they change the schedule into morning session.My section is Aquamarine section two in regular class,Sixty -eight student we are the most populated section when I was in fourth year.Before I entered the school they said that if you were senior the process of study was easy because they said that you would graduated.Actually it is not easy there a lots of difficulties ,troubles and failures we had faced.The teachers always gave us activities,assignments and reports that need to finished and to submitted in the given deadline.I remember Ms. Layaog my teacher in English first subject.She was happy when her students are confused and in hurry to finished the project.Although she is strict,she is friendly in all her students actually she is my favorite teacher because the way she teach her students.Physics is my favorite subject.I remember Mrs. Duque every meeting with her she always give her student a daily quiz to recall what we had learned last meeting.I never forget the last time I had exam,I did not review anything.I forgotten that we had exam but thank God I passed it thanks to my memory.I will not mention the remaining five teachers,but their are good in teaching.In a few months I found my true frends there are Apple Mariano,Jahziel Tagulao,Louman Trogo ,Aprilyn Sengson,Edmer Legazpi and Joriver Tagayon.We have group name"Chaka Girls"why chaka? it means crazy or weird people.My friends is my inspiration to my study because I don't need to be trying hard just the way I am is enough for them.When I with them I felt comfortable and relax they brought happiness and joy.The difficult become easy because the support of them .Althought sometimes there is mis understanding but we fixed it right away before becoming worse

I had many unforgettable experience when I was in fourth year.Technology Livelihood Economics(T.L.E) is one of my subject its all about food technology.Mrs Loquinto teach us how to cooked and baked,the truth is I'm not good in cooking and also baking no experience.I'm so happy because this is my chanced to

learned,I had cooked chicken empanada,sinigang sa miso and I had baked cookies,cake and make icing.February 12,2010 We had Junior and Senor From in Malabon National High School,the theme of the party is masquerade.I enjoyed the all night partying with my friends and classmates.In the Graduation Day mixed emotion I felt,I'm happy because finally I saw the result of my perseverance after four years and I had finished my studied in fourth year high school.I'm sad because I would left the Malabon National High School and I would missed the teachers,my friends and my life in high school.When the last song we sang I forgot the title of the song,but while we sang I become emotional.I remember the laughing moments we have shared with my friends ,the craziest thing I had done,the troubles we had involved.
High school was the best time of my life,others says that high school is the worst time int heir lives.I had plenty of good times as well as just many bad times in high school.The only thing I can say is that I learned and the most important is that not just I learned through the books,but I learned about the life and the road ahead of me.From being inexperienced freshman to a somewhat mature senior,things have really changed for me.As a high school student time management is very important it will help you to be successful.
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